Avoid These 9 Words & Phrases in Your Sales Copy

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Improve your sales pitch by avoiding these words & phrases 

We’ve come a long way since the days when the only access to product information came via a knock on the door. In the era of the traveling salesman, a household’s first view of a gadget or service was presented in person and the sales pitch was a one-on-one interaction. 

Later, media like newspapers, magazines, radio, and television gave readers and viewers a hint as to what was available to them as consumers. Buyers then traveled to physical shops and stores to learn more and heard the sales pitch in a place of business rather than their own homes.

Today, consumers no longer rely on traditional salespeople to get product information. They can research on their own, read reviews from complete strangers, and order what they want without coming in contact with any salespeople if they choose not to. Consumers are now greatly empowered and are no longer at the mercy of stale sales words and phrases. They’re smarter, savvier, and more skeptical of the products you pitch and of the ways you attempt to communicate with them. 

Because there are now so many avenues for collecting product information – Google searches, social media, and email campaigns, to name a few – companies now have to work harder to put their products and services in front of someone scrolling social media or conducting an internet search. Competition has exploded, and businesses must rely on “copy” to create interest, develop leads, and convert those leads into sales. 

In short, words matter now more than ever. Using jargon and tired phrases could easily turn off a prospective customer.

Sales Words & Phrases to Avoid

Here 10 ineffective sales phrases and buzzwords to avoid when writing sales copy:

“At the end of the day”

At the start of this list is “At the end of the day” –  an overused filler phrase that makes your writing look tired and outdated.

“Core competency”

Why not simply tell potential customers what you do well and how you do it? It’s much more straightforward – and less pedantic – to talk about your company’s strengths compared to the competition rather than use words that try to make you look smart.

“Cutting Edge”

One of the most overused descriptors, this word pair has lost its own cutting edge and it makes sales copy duller. You can’t really be cutting edge if everyone else is making the same claim.


The goal of this word is to simplify the complex strategy of offering something free and then charging for additional services. But by emphasizing the word “free”, it looks like you’re trying to hide the fact that your customers will have to actually pay to get the real benefits of the product. Customers hate when companies attempt to fool them.

“Give 110 percent”

Not only is it mathematically impossible to exceed 100 percent, it’s also a stale sales copy phrase. You’re better off telling your prospects exactly how your team will deliver on your promises.

“Hit the ground running”

This overused sales phrase should be stopped in its tracks. Again, it’s more effective to describe what your team plans to do to exceed expectations.


When you tell your prospects that what you’re offering is innovative, remember that they’ve heard that word used so many times that it’s probably lost its effectiveness. Customers should be the judge of whether or not a product or service is innovative. When they make that determination, use their testimonials in your copy. It will be more believable that way.

“Outside the box”

People are tired of hearing about this imaginary box. The phrase is filler and fluff, and using it makes you look unimaginative and very much inside the box.


Just as with “innovative,” “revolutionary” is something the consumer should decide based on user experience. It falls flat in a sales pitch because it appears inauthentic.

Better Ways to Communicate with Customers

When writing sales copy, try to follow these rules:

Keep it Simple

Using jargon and marketing buzzwords doesn’t just complicate your message; it can also negatively impact your flesch reading ease score. Customers would rather see clear and simple explanations as to how your product or service will make their lives easier or better. Although it’s understandable that you would want to present your company as knowledgeable and experienced, you also want customers to see that your goal is to help them – not just to prop up your expertise with excessive marketing-speak.

Make it Personal

From using your customers’ names to being able to specifically identify the problems they need to solve, your sales copy should demonstrate how what you’re offering will provide the solution. Keep in mind that personalization requires more than just inserting names into the copy. There must be a real effort to show you understand your customers or else they may see “name-dropping” as only a marketing ploy to appear like you’re speaking directly to them.

Tell a Story – Featuring Your Customer

Aside from explaining your company’s benefits in clear, simple terms and making your pitch personal, find a way to allow your customer to imagine what it would look like or feel like to use your product/service and achieve positive results. When you can appeal in both a logical and emotional way, your message becomes more relevant and there’s a greater chance the customer will take action.

While it’s relatively easy to compile a list of the words you should avoid, it’s a more challenging task to figure out which are the most effective ones to use. Professional copywriting services marketing copywriters are skilled at finessing sales copy that will lead to results. Let SEO content writers and professional bloggers write your copy so that you – the business owner – can use your time more efficiently.

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