about Amplihigher

your content agency partner

a note from liz, amplihigher ceo

I founded Amplihigher in 2017 with one goal in mind to be the premier source of copywriting and content writing for businesses at every stage of development and to simplify the agency partner process. Six years, multiple awards, an easy-to-use tech stack, streamlined processes, an expert-level in-house team, and flexible packages, we’ve achieved that goal Now we’re here to help you achieve yours.

Messaging is influence, and influence is what drives action. Every word must be chosen with intention. We’re proud to be the go-to agency partner for brands that understand the magnitude of strategic messaging.

If you are passionate about your business, we’d love to hear from you. My inbox is always open. Feel free to send me a note with any questions you may have.

meet our

shanna friesen

senior writer/editor

josh nadeau

senior writer/editor

ashely truskowski

senior writer/editor

akanksha sharma

graphic designer

our creative team leads

chad conklin

video lead

our core values


We believe that the foundation of  brand growth is authenticity and truth. No false claims, no exaggerations: just ethical, genuine marketing. 


The most successful brands set the pace instead of keeping it


Where there is collaboration, there is synergy. Where there is synergy, there is progress.


It’s the nuances of the perspective that shape the market

our mission statement

Our mission is to create high-impact, data-informed copy and content that is built on strategy and based on cognition.

We aim to deliver needle-moving projects by leveraging our expertise in writing, marketing, psychology, and brand strategy to help our clients drive measurable business growth

we work with

Our clients are creative, future-focused agencies and enterprisees that prioritize wuthenticity and strategy to achieve growth. We work with companies who understand the power of datinformed content and understand the value of highly skilled copywriters and content writers Welte the experts al what we do and you’re the expert at what you do. We don’t collide with our clentic we collablerd vw carly work with clients when the synergy is strong.

we don't work with

If you don’t know your ideal audience, have a solid offer, or fully understand your services, you aren’t ready for an agency partnership with Amplihigher. We don’t work with clients with a negative attitude, scope creep, micromanage, or refuse to take a collaborative approach to copywriting and content writing.

If you don’t understand the value of copywriting and content writing as well as the years of skill development and experience it takes to know how to write effectively we’re not a good fit for you. Our clients hire us because we excel at what we do and because we’re among the top copywriting agencies in the United States-not because we’re the cheapest. Remember when you hire a cheap copywriter, you pay twice: once to do it the first time, and then again to have it done right.

sense synergy?

let's make things happen.

We partner with creative agencies and enterprises to provide content support at scale. It’s time to go higher. Go Amplihigher

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powered by cognition. driven by results.

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