
A press release is an essential public relations tool for communicating newsworthy events to the media. Businesses use press releases to communicate information about events, news-worthy circumstances, product launches, and much more. However, to gain the media’s trust, the content’s slant must remain neutral and not like a sales pitch.
Amplihigher has more than forty years of professional copywriting experience in various niche industries and fortune 500 companies. We understand that words have the power to influence, and we can point that sharp intuition towards the media to influence public opinion about your brand.


We make press releases that generate news and that get noticed by your target audience. We always hit the critical details for your press release that will engage journalists and audiences alike. The simple structure for any riveting story is the who, what, where, when, why. Beyond that, good writing can invest readers in your story or update, and by association your brand.
We get to know your audience and your industry to craft compelling and authentic content that cuts to the heart of what they value. By appealing to the information that they need, their desire for a product to solve their problems, or with emotional anecdotes, your audience will enter your sales funnel.
We don’t just entertain your audience; we inspire them to take the desired action. We get your call to action right because without a clear statement telling them what to do, they will not know how to support you. We generate actionable results with a superior call to action that is both clear and compelling to your target audience.

benefits of press releases copywriters


We know that your press relief has to communicate the necessary information in a short form. Such a concise statement can be easy to get wrong because the media may just skim over your information and miss what critical point you try to make. We make press releases that capture the media’s attention and influences the news cycle in your industry.
Capturing critical information in a concise statement poses its problems. We format your release in a user-centered design that draws the reader’s attention exactly where it needs to go. By using formatting tools critically, we ensure that your press release will be read and understood immediately.
Beyond enticing the media to read the release, they have to understand why they received it. The media won’t publish what is happening at your business if it won’t excite their core reader base. We optimize your content based on the publication’s values by digging into their typical story and what their readers respond to the most.


Amplihigher offers fast, accurate, persuasive press releases, among other content services. Our multi-tiered editing process ensures that your press release crosses the desk of multiple talented writers, editors, and search engine optimizers. By applying multiple eyes to the same press release, we guarantee grammatically correct, completely original content that will impact your audiences.


Amplihigher is a copywriting agency staffed with industry experts. Need help with a press release that gets picked up and noticed? Contact our team so we can get in touch ASAP and prepare that release for you.

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