8 Evergreen Blog Ideas

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Keeping up your blog content can be creatively sapping. New ideas, new ways to say the same thing, and regurgitating the one or two things you’re well-versed in will only get you so far. 

What about evergreen blog content? These are topics that are relevant all the time, to a broad spectrum of readers. Evergreen topics are educational in nature and manifest as reference guides for subjects that never go out of style. 

You may see them in formats like:

  • Hacks
  • “Listicles”
  • Tutorials
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Tips and “How-Tos”

This very article would be considered a listicle. Pretty meta, right?

Come with me on an evergreen detour and spark some new blog articles on relevant topics. 

#1 The Comprehensive Guide to…

What’s your area of expertise? You’ve probably already written about it. But have you created the deep dive, “start here,” comprehensive guide for it? 

This is where you take readers from beginning to end through an exhaustive overview of a chosen element of your industry knowledge, both theoretical and practical. Don’t just stick with the main thing you know, or what you’re known for. Also consider side or parallel topics that can fit in your niche. 

And, don’t forget to E-A-T!

#2 Lists and Listicles

Lists always go down well online. It implies quick and accessible information they don’t have to wade through a bunch of text to find. Lists provide the fastest path to information the searcher is looking for such as tools, resources, ideas, etc. 

Listicles, like this one, are still lists but slightly more detailed. They have space to elaborate on the topic at hand while still maintaining an easily digestible format. What list or listicle do you wish you had? Have you created one internally that you can zhoosh up?

#3 Step-By-Step Tutorials

A step-by-step tutorial gives the reader the impression that they will be able to start from square one and end up at the finish line they desire. You’re taking their virtual hand and walking them through a process. 

These are especially helpful when they include photos, videos, and links to additional resources. Links to other resources on your own blog or website are also helpful to boost SEO ranking and website credibility. 

#4 Stories: The Good, the Bad, and the “What Just Happened?”

Relatable stories based on true experiences are always a win. Stories connect people with ideas, struggles, and desires. It’s a soft-sell approach to content nurturing. 

Tell of your successes, your client’s successes, and even those times when you thought you had it all together and, newsflash, you didn’t. People want their industry experts and consultants to be real humans they can trust. Stories help you accomplish that. 

#5 Pros and Cons Discovery

Who doesn’t love a good pro/con list? These read well online as an honest unveiling of even the things you don’t want your readers to remember later when they pay for your product or services.

It builds trust in your brand as your target market sees you revealing the dark underbelly of the topic at hand. Pros and cons show you’re willing to talk about the good and the bad, not just sell to them all the time.

#6 Secrets Revealed

A “secret guidebook” to any topic or industry untouchable issue gives the air of exclusivity and scarcity. You’re willing to share what others may not or you’re giving away the keys to the castle in sharing your secret recipe to achieve the desired result. 

An article like this piques curiosity in the reader. They are encouraged to see for themselves what all the gurus don’t want them to know! Keep the secrets truly relevant, Google-able information doesn’t count. What are YOUR secret hacks?

#7 Opinion Pieces

These ones always win.

Readers want to know what the people they follow really think about given topics. They are vulnerable, maybe even ranting pieces that give the reader a glimpse into who you really are. 

It would be wise to stay away from current events and the old standards of religion and politics, to be truly evergreen. If you choose to ignore this advice, be strategic. Once information hits the interweb, it’s incredibly difficult to retrieve. 

#8 Case Studies and Testimonials

Not too dissimilar to success stories, a case study is all in how you present the information. This will be a more factual, data-driven approach to a real-world before and after story. How you’ve helped a client go from broken to a breakthrough. 

Testimonials are different from case studies because they’re in a customer’s own words. Allow the customer to share their experience through an interview or video recording to accurately capture their perspective. 

The Bones of Evergreen Content Can Be Used Again and Again

It is infinitely recyclable into other formats on any platform where you post. If you’re not a consistent content producer, but would like to be, reach out to our team of content writers and let’s get you rolling.

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